Crazy man...

Monday, January 26, 2009

Jose is still desperately searching for a way to do our taxes. If you could only hear some of the hair-brained schemes I've had to put a stop to these last couple of days. Lord, I am begging you, please have them call Jose with his flight information ASAP, so he can go back to work! PLEASE!?

As we speak, he is scrounging up old check stubs and God knows what else from our storage unit. He left in a huff because I obviously don't care about our finances enough. What the fuck ever. I care just as much as he does. I'm stressin', people, like I've never stressed before. Money problems suck big time. But, I can't let the worries and stress consume me. I try not to sweat it too much. I mean, we're going to be broke whether or not I'm worrying myself to death over it. None of our problems are going to be solved by me working myself into a tizzy over these things.

We have food. We have shelter. The kids are happy and nonetheless wiser to our financial woes. Things could be so much worse right now. I say let's Thank God for the things we have, and the rest will eventually fall into place.

=) Don't worry. Be happy!