Nope, no W2s.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Geez Louise, when does this lady plan on mailing out his W2s?! I'm getting desperate here!

The mail was rather unexciting. A letter with payoff information for our truck, which is an insanely ridiculous amount and I have no idea why the hell Jose would request such a thing. We can't even put GAS IN THE TRUCK right now, let alone pay the God damned thing off. Sometimes I wonder what goes on inside of that little head of his...

We also received a letter from the unemployment office about how much he will be receiving, which is a pretty disappointing amount. Anything is more than welcome at this point, though, so don't think I'm being ungrateful. But, I did get all excited when I realized the letter was from the unemployment office. I thought it would be a check.

But of course not. Just a letter telling us how much he can expect to receive. But not WHEN we can expect to receive it. Just send the damned check already!!! He applied WEEKS ago! There is some kind of hold up with immigration, I guess. They have to verify that he is a legal resident of the country and is eligible to receive benefits. The lady on the phone said that the verification process can take up to 6-8 weeks. In the immigration world, that actually means 6-8 MONTHS. They are dreadfully slow in regards to EVERYTHING.


I swear, I'm not always this much of a downer. I'm just kind of in a poo poo mood and venting here on the blog makes me feel better.