I love me some frappuccino...

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Ugh... Olivia just climbed into my bed and reported that she had found a turd. WTH?! Why in the world would the dog poop in my BED?! (sigh) Time to wash my bedding, I guess. How disgusting.


Me and my comadre went to get some Starbucks this evening. I love hanging out with her. Her and my compadre are just fun people to be around. Hopefully *totally crossing my fingers here) we'll be going out together this weekend. There is a dance at the Guacamaya on Saturday night. Its been awhile... I need to get my groove on! ;)

For awhile, I was adhemetly against Facebook. I didn't want nothing to do with it. Nuh-uh. Not ever.

Well, I have a confession to make.

I'm addicted to Facebook.

Sheesh. What's this world coming to?! ;) Take care everyone!