Insurance giddiness...

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I'm so excited to have decent health insurance again! I was just reading through the paperwork and out family deductible is $400! Awesomeness. My last insurance plan had a family deductible of $2500! Ouch! So this is quite a change in the right direction!

Tomorrow, me and Olivia are getting some good use out of our new insurance plan. She has her 3 year check-up tomorrow and I have my yearly (that I haven't had since said 3 year old was 6 weeks old!). Ugh... The thought of the speculum getting rammed up my...

Well, I'm sure you can catch my drift. I'm not looking forward to it very much!

Do you know what, though? Jose accompanied me to my first ever visit to the gynecologist's office. Wasn't that nice of him? He paid cash for it and even got out of work early to pick me up from school! Silly me. I could have used my health insurance to pay for it. I was afraid of my mom finding out about the birth control pills. I ended up telling her about it the next day, though!

Oh yeah! My health insurance has ZERO co-payment. AWESOME. I had a $30 co-pay last time we were insured! That adds up FAST.

I'm in a really good mood!!!!!! LA LA LA!
