
Thursday, April 30, 2009

I've been having some weird ass dreams lately...

Last night, I dreamed I was at Once Upon A Child (kids' clothing consignment store) pawing through racks upon racks of clothes and they had NOTHING cute in my DDs' sizes. It was quite distressing! ;)

The other night, I dreamed I was in Mexico City and for whatever reason I had to pretend that I was the daughter of some famous drug lord. They were filling me up with all kinds of information in case anyone had any questions for me. It was weird. Even weirder was that I was young (like 6 or 7) but had the thought process that I do now at 24.

Weird, weird, weird.

I've also been dreaming NON-STOP about my BFF's wedding. I must be stressing about it or something, because I seem to dream about her wedding 75% of the time! My most recent wedding dream involved me waking up at 11am the day of the wedding, and I didn't have my bridesmaid's dress yet!!! I went to store after store after store and not one single store had a dress that even FIT ME, let alone the color I needed! I ended up in some ugly flowered dress. :(

Phew... it stresses me out even remembering!

Thank God, I already have ordered my dress. This is what I ordered:

Instead of the pink, it will be a gold color. The bride picked Tealness and Harvest Gold as her two colors. And I will be using the spaghetti straps that the dress comes with. Very cute. Simple. :)


Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

That dress is so beautiful! Good luck w/your BFF's wedding.

AiringMyLaundry said...

That dress is SO pretty.

Those are some weird dreams you had.

The Wallace Family said...

I love the dress! Very Pretty! My brother is getting married in two weeks and I have dreamt more about missing his wedding then I ever dreamt about my wedding! SCAREY!!

Lizzi said...

That's Who I Am - LOL! I know exactly how you feel! I didn't dream nor panic half as much about my wedding!

Thanks you guys! There were so many dresses to chose from, but this one struck my eye from the moment we walked in the store. I'm excited to wear it! :)